Monday, September 10, 2012

Rihanna's New Tattoo

Rihanna debuted her new tattoo on twitter,  a Godess Isis under her boobs with her long wings spread. The singer revealed it is a tribute to her late Grandmother. "Goddess Isis - Complete woman - model for future generations", she wrote. We get it, RiRi...
Little does she know that 40 years from now, Goddess Isis wings will by long closed...


If this is happening I swear I'm back from the dead...And, yes Ryan, I want to put a ring on it, now that you're drawing my attention to it! For all you people that ripped the front cover of Fifty Shades of Grey and replaced it for Dostoyevky's Crime and Punishment (so you could still sin at work and look intellectual ), for all the kindles that are "dead" due to multiple orgasms, I say go for it!