Friday, September 9, 2011

Elisabetta Canalis moves to L.A to get some peace...

After splitting from George Clooney, Elisabetta Canalis found herself in a world with no red carpets to attend, no spotlights and, what is worst, no Clooney. She describes her life after being dumped the breakup as a living hell in Europe. So she moved to the U.S., more precisely to L.A.
"The end of a relationship is complicated," she admitted. "I went to the United States, because at the moment I could no longer face the world. Watching my life being dissected was not easy for me." (US Weekly)

Yes, Canalis, welcome to L.A. the land of paparazzi. No chance for your life being dissected here. A land where even mediocre celebrities still have a chance to be shot running errands or be contestants in Dancing with the stars. Oh, you've got that already. Good for you.
Funny that new George's hook up, Stacy Keibler was also a DWTS contestant. So Canalis is kind of making the same path, but in reverse...

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