Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lindsay Lohan has learned her lesson

Lindsay Lohan's 35- day house arrest has endend. So has alcohol in her house. And because she is coherent with herself, the person that recently said that alcohol is no longer a part of her life, she quickly made her way to the club scene, with really supportive friends, that will assure she wont even scent it. 
According to X17

Lindsay didn’t waste any time getting back into the party scene after her 35-day house arrest ended Wednesday. After clocking a few hours of community service at the Downtown Women’s Center, as the sun went down, Lilo headed out to enjoy some nightlife!
Too bad Lindsay could hardly stand up as she left the Lexington Social House during the wee hours of this morning.
You can watch the video here.

I don't know if Lindsay is laughing because she is totally wasted or laughing at a very permissive legal system that once again failed, wasting money and time with a sentence that doesn't even seem to have any effect on changing behaviors. Maybe she is laughing at us...
Whatever...let the train wreck weekend begin...

Photos via

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