Thursday, June 30, 2011

Selena Gomez best day ever does not involve Justin Bieber

I remember seeing a video of a 15 year old Selena Gomez making it very clear that one day she would date Shia LaBeouf, despite of one perplex interviewer who reminded Selena she was too young for Shia and her, nervously repeating: No I'm not! I can't find the video so you can watch this one that basically resumes it. 
So, when Selena started dating Bieber I was like...Wow. Teenage crushes are really volatile when it comes to taste and age. When she started to come out with a little more grown up style I remember thinking she would be aiming for someone else pretty soon. It turns out she recently met Shia LaBeouf backstage, on the Today Show, and it was quite evident that major crush is still very much alive. On his side, LaBeouf, was also nervous and started talking like an italian mobster for no apparent reason... Also checked her boobs.
I'm glad Selena didn't hold it back and used twitter to share with the world how her was like. I can't help thinking that Selena's remaining days, since she started dating Bieber, would be the best days ever for millions of teenagers all over the world. Maybe even for Justin Bieber himself that recently proclaimed his love for her, publicly.
The video has almost 900 dislikes. Wonder who's disliking this?...

Paz de la Huerta shows her best side in New York City

This is probably the only time you'll read me saying Paz de La Huerta looks ok. But then again I'm looking at her back, with a black dress that accentuates her butt crack. I hear there was one paparazzi that took one glance at her face but he ended up like this girl before he could take the shot.

Lindsay Lohan has learned her lesson

Lindsay Lohan's 35- day house arrest has endend. So has alcohol in her house. And because she is coherent with herself, the person that recently said that alcohol is no longer a part of her life, she quickly made her way to the club scene, with really supportive friends, that will assure she wont even scent it. 
According to X17

Lindsay didn’t waste any time getting back into the party scene after her 35-day house arrest ended Wednesday. After clocking a few hours of community service at the Downtown Women’s Center, as the sun went down, Lilo headed out to enjoy some nightlife!
Too bad Lindsay could hardly stand up as she left the Lexington Social House during the wee hours of this morning.
You can watch the video here.

I don't know if Lindsay is laughing because she is totally wasted or laughing at a very permissive legal system that once again failed, wasting money and time with a sentence that doesn't even seem to have any effect on changing behaviors. Maybe she is laughing at us...
Whatever...let the train wreck weekend begin...

Photos via

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Elisabetta Canalis and the two-year curse

It is confirmed. After some speculation and a very strange interview of Elisabetta to an italian magazine where she made it clear that, at some point, she would expect to get married and probably have kids, George Clooney (or should I say, Mr. Cold-feet) pulled the two year confortable rug from under Canalis feet before she lasted longer than two years.
Boo hoo for anyone who even bet on this "horse".Whatever.  The race is back on for Clooney ladies! Wait...Why don't I fell so enthusiast about this anymore? Oh, yes... Manganiellllllo's photo spread from GQ. Huh... So, the clock is ticking George. Tick-tock. Hotness isn't forever. Last time I checked in the mirror, I looked like a 16 year old, I can make espressos, don't mind moving to Italy and even loved you in Solaris. So, does this ass have any chance with you? Here I go with  soundtrack included!

The Big Bad Wolf posed for GQ

What could be more refreshing for my first Summer post than True Blood's Big Bad Wolf, Joe Manganiello, for GQ latest issue with an insanely hot photoshoot in Greece... I'm sure the interview is a blast but I'm still admiring how well Manganiello combines with Santorini... GQ concludes what we already know: this man should stay without a shirt twenty four seven. Oh, and he used to be a delivery man... Damn you, Manganiello...My mind is already fantasizing...

What is this? No shirt allowed, Manganiello...

Is the delivery boy unwrapping the delivery?...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sean Bean must have thought April Summers would be the screw of a lifetime

The whole world now knows "glamour" model April Summers for someone who's worth getting stabbed outside a bar and then, act really tough, return to the bar and order another drink.
The four-time married star was apparently attacked outside the Hill Bar and Brasserie in Camden, North West London late on Sunday evening. The row began when Mr Bean, 52, and April Summers - a glamour model who is 30 years his junior who had gone to the bar with him - were standing outside, having a cigarette. Miss Summers – whose real name the Daily Mail understands is Nadia Foster – lives close to Mr Bean in the same area. According to witnesses, a passer-by then made lewd comments about Miss Summers, a topless model who has appeared in a number of UK lads’ magazines as well as the Italian edition of Playboy. As a result, Mr Bean followed the man down the road to challenge him. Later in the evening, Mr Bean went out for another cigarette and was then attacked by a man. The star, who lives close by, was said to have been stabbed in the arm – believed to be with a broken glass - and punched in the face, according to witnesses. Police were then called. Mr Bean was said to have a cut arm and a bruised face, according to witnesses. [Daily Mail]
 Bean, 52, declined going to the hospital and instead walked back into the bar and ordered another drink. Yeeeah, like a real man...a strong, virile man. I must say, best publicity "stunt" ever for a "glamour" model.
Yet, I'm wondering, did he pass out later when he was actually screwing her? 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Did Jennifer Aniston pull an Angelina Jolie?

Jennifer Aniston is supposedly head over heels for new boyfriend Justin Theroux. So head over heels she put her ethic code aside and decided that moving in on someone with a long term relationship, on a movie set, was in this particular case, not uncool. I mean, it's not like he's married. He just has been with the same woman for 14 years... So, now Theroux's ex-girlfriend, Heidi Bivens, is filling the shoes Jennifer Aniston was in, back in 2005:
“Heidi is heartbroken. She was completely blindsided. She and Justin had been together for years, they had a home. Then he met Jennifer and everything changed. At first he claimed he and Jen were friends.”
A rep for Bivens confirmed to Page Six: “Heidi and Justin have been together for 14 years. They met when she was 20 years old and he 24, and yes, she just moved out of their home last weekend. She has no comment.” [Page Six]
I don't know what kind of girlfriends you have, Heidi, but one of them should have handed you a copy  of Life & Style where Theroux talked about working with Jen on the set of  Wanderlust:
"When I would feel low, she had all these Chinese herbal medicines she'd give me. If I caught a cold, she'd make blueberry smoothies with antioxidants. She was a fantastic blender chef."
Personally I don't know why Jennifer is being crucified for being a homewrecker. But I'm suspicious. I adore her and all my lesbian thoughts gravitated around Rachel from friends. I say, Jen, adopt one kid or two, make it seven. Do some charity and before you know it, the world takes a turn and everybody blames Bivens for being a b**ch that didn't want to have any kids to focus on her career...

I leave you with Jennifer Aniston's nipples back when Rachel was the one showing Joey what a fantastic blender chef she was...

Damn! The effect of my medicines are wearing off! Focus on meee, Theroux! Meee! 
Wait... Didn't I use to date this Jason Sudeikis

Friday, June 10, 2011

These shoes will sell out in approximately 10 seconds

Guess whose Cinderella shoes are these? Yes, this is Duchess Catherine Middleton (former Kate Middleton) foot with a L.K Bennett sandal that will vanish in no time. Go for them here while you can... Wait... they are already sold out! While I'm writing!! She wore this on her (big?...) feet at the Absolute Return For Kids 10th Anniversary Gala in London. I must say, she wore amazingly well a Jenny Pacham dress that I just want to steal and take home. She looked STUNNING and made the dress look much better than it seemed on the runway. I'm beginning to think these Middleton sisters will sell us anything. Clothes and shoes must be pouring to these two from top designers...So long for Zara and H&M dresses...Oh, almost forgot. Prince William was there too...

Photos via and via

The real reason behind Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn's split

When I first heard these two were together my thoughts were: "this will last a song". And when I thought about this I wasn't going for that crap about age difference. I was literally thinking the moment Scarlett told Sean "Can I sing one of my songs for you, Sean?" this would take a bad turn. Sean Penn endured it for five months, so he's a winner. So I'm sure sex was great between these two but hearing Scarlett moaning him her singing repertoire after sex, over and over again, probably had a breaking point. I can honestly picture Johansson "singing" with her eyes closed as Sean smoked his after sex cigarette, pretended for five long months that he actually enjoyed it. Then he would look at her naked ass and think "I can bear this..." 
Well, at some point he couldn't and I totally understant it. So why were they snapped together at the at Spike TV’s Guys Choice Awards, June 4, after reportedly splitting? According t a source, Scarlett didn't seem ready to give up on Sean and  "pushed herself into his conversations” The same source says “She sat down between him [Penn] and Robert De Niro. Robert was like ‘What?’ and made a face.” Latter, “A photographer asked for a shot. Before Sean could say no, she said yes.” Hummm... Why do I have the feeling someone didn't have the guts to break up? Sean? She needs to have some closure on this before you find a white rabbit boiling in your kitchen...(remember Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction?)
Do you want to have some sympathy for Sean's point of view and none for your ears? Go ahead:

Nicole Kidman probably thinks Country music people are tacky

No, this is not your cousin Holly at some wedding back in the 80's. Yes. This is Nicole Kidman at the CMT Awards and those are blue nails. And it's about to get worse...Wait 'till you see the bottom..Did Nicole Kidman assume she would be at an event filled with tacky people, might as well go with it? And what's going on with husband Keith Urban for not saying anything about this? Where is the pale pastel colors Nicole? Well, the dress is from Proenza Shouler Fall 2011 collection and it actually looked pretty good on the runway with some black boots... I assumed that marrying a guy that wears more makeup than you should have some sort of effect on your style, but isn't this a little too much, Keith? I bet that under those shoes are some blue toe nails...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Oh Là Là, Brrradley Coupérrre!!!

OMG. This guy comes in a french version? I think I just had an orgasm...
Voulez vous coucher avec moi, Brrradley?...