Saturday, May 21, 2011

This is just like watching Baywatch, according to Arnold Schwarzenegger...

Like the terrible gossip blogger that I am, I'm only bringing Arnold Schwarzenegger  and Maria Shriver's split today. When everyone is fed up with all this and only the brave (my readers) will spend one minute of the day checking what can I possibly add to the pile of sh*t this has become... If I could, I would be blogging all day. I would only stop over primary necessities, like having a shag once in a while. Speaking of shags...(see how I did this? Hey Conan O'Brien? Learned with you...) Maria Shriver was clueless over the "affair" Arnold had with their housemaid Mildred Patricia Baena and over the child they had together... And she remained in that state of ignorance for a decade. Apparently Arnold Schwarzenegger thought it was a good time to take her out of this state when her father passed away, last January. Maybe he thought: "You are already crying your heart out, might as well bring it up. Plus, I'm leaving the Governor's office, so it comes really in handy for me...So, honey, remember that you keep saying our house maid Mildred does a wonderful job and that you can't imagine your life without her? So, about that...bla,bla,bla...."
Even seeing little Arnaldito running around the pool didn't give Maria Shriver a hint. Wonder why? Either this Mildred Baena is really one hell of a housemaid, that under no circumstance Maria could afford to loose (and we know how difficult they are to find) or she completely hot Mildred is... As for me, I don't know how could she possibly miss this Sofia Vergara look alike, running around in the house, cleaning Terminator's penis while Maria was chatting with BFF Oprah...
But was this really an affair or a quick shag with consequences? I'm not really seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger dancing La Bamba with Mildred Baena, back in the 90's, thinking he's gonna screw this hot, irresistible woman on a regular basis... This man was a kindergarten cop and played a pregnant man (Junior) back in the 90´s. That decade was all about bad and ridiculous decisions for Arnold. Give him a break. It's not like he pulled a Ronald Regan's and decided that the next step would be politics. Jeezzz... 

Hot, hot, hot!

Photos via and via

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Arnie is getting a divorce? And he was cheating the wife with the housemaid?!!!
    Howcome I didn't know about this?! I must change my gossip sources...

    LOL @ Arnold's bad decisions in the 90's - love how witty u r Victoria :)
    Well, me too: give the guy a break! Maybe the housemaid was really hot 10 years ago, when he got her pregnant. Or maybe Maria was on a sex strike back then and he just grabed what he had at least in his own home there are no papparazis!
