Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Someone didn't get enough sleep last Cannes...

When I heard Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Rafaeli broke up my first thoughts were "What the hell does DiCaprio want in a woman, besides being blonde and a VS model?". My second thoughts were Leo is available, so my ass in on the next flight to Cannes, skipping the fact I don't gather the minimum conditions to apply. Plus, Blake Lively got there first. So, my third thought was Bar Rafaeli is single: It's time for my lesbian experience. She will be available for at least the next 10 minutes... And she's in Cannes too. Wait. Where? Is she a psycho ex-girlfriend trying to win Leo back or is this an unfortunate coincidence? Probably this last one. 
I could give you the standard question on "How do you  think she feels about this?". But I'm not. 'Cause, like any ordinary person, Bar is probably devastated Leo is already moving on with someone like Blake Lively. Maybe DiCaprio and Lively are just friends (with benefits...), but I don't remember Leonardo DiCaprio being this affectionate with any of his girlfriends, in public, without one of his many college caps covering half his face. Because being in a yacht in Cannes, during the Film Festival, in a land now infested by paparazzi patiently waiting, Leonardo DiCaprio KNOWS this shot was happening and would cause some commotion on Bar Rafaeli. So is he the one with a broken heart, trying to sting his ex? 
So, Bar Rafaeli walked the red carpet at The Beaver premiere absolutely gorgeous in a Roberto Cavalli navy dress, showing some serious puffy eyes. If this was after the premiere, we could all assume Bar Rafaeli realized she went to see a movie where an anti-Jewish Mel Gibson talks through a hand-puppet and she couldn't help the pity tears...

Humm... Do you think DiCaprio is the type of guy that, if he gets dumped, does this and then appreciates his revenge with a glass of wine in his hand while shoe less, rubbing his toes through white socks, against a yacht floor, facing the Cannes' sun with a little smile on his face and thinking: "That should teach ya b**ch...Never dump DiCaprio..."
Naaaahhhh...I don't think so...

Photos via

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I love to see pictures like the first one in this post! Where we can clearly see that they (super models) also have dark circles and puffy eyes, flaws on their face skin, greasy any common mortal! :)
    Anyhow, she still looks gorgeous. Hate her!!! :)

    About the sleepless night, who knows, maybe she was in Spielberg's yatch too?... Maybe Blake was only visiting during the day, them Bar came to spend the night? Or, better yet, a 3some? LOL... you should search for pics of Blake on the morning after, just in case...just sayin', Leo with that glass of wine looks like someone who just had a real good time, looking up thanking to the gods ;)
