Friday, May 27, 2011

Snooki VS Crystal

I knew I've seen this pose before...
Could it be the only thing distinguishing these two the fact that one of them actually wrote a book? Can you guess which of them did it?... Now that's a tricky question...

Crystal, the female monkey from Hangover 2, would probably adapt well to Jersey Shore reality show. Yet, I'm driven to think that even Crystal would not be safe from Mike "The situation" moves... Even I have a hard time seeing the differences between a primate and some of the specimens that appear on this show. In fact, Crystal could easily replace any of the female cast members. She can suck a bottle under some dude's pants. Now that must count as a curriculum skill for Jersey Shore...
Back to Snooki... Is she making a fashion statement in Florence, Italy? She certainly lost a lot of weight and actually looks good. (Jeeezzz, is this really coming out of my mouth?...). She actually went on a diet, according to People, that " instead of  of throwing back Long Island Iced Teas or margaritas ("Which are, like, a million calories," she notes), Snooki's new drink of choice is a lighter option: vodka with seltzer water". Uhhh... How many celebrities are actually on this diet? Amy Winehouse is so strict about it that she even went with a miniature vodka bottle on her way to rehab. Of course, it may have side effects, like getting arrested for DUI.
As for Snooki, she already had her first slip in Italy. This week the girls were spotted getting drunk in a bar in Florence and, frankly, that doesn't look like vodka with seltzer...

Deena shows her skills...."Look, no hands!" Amazing...

And here's Snooki's style. What do you think? 

"Stay away from me you bit**es! I'm a classy girl now..."

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