Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mariah Carey pregnant with husband Nick grabbing her boobs in OK Magazine

...I'm about to vomit...
You're just pregnant, Mariah...How many nude covers do you have to make,hum?  Life and Style, OK! Magazine...Thank God you're about to pop...
Mariah also tells OK! how much she already knows her twins' personalities
“You can tell the personalities a bit. In viewing our ultrasounds, our boy is all ready like Nick, like, ‘Here I am, take my picture or don’t, and our girl is coyly facing the other way, like, ‘No pictures,’ waiting for a proper debut. I took some ultrasound footage of them in the womb that I think they’ll definitely find interesting later in life.”
So, the girl is coyly...meaning like you? yeah...
Can you imagine if she's just like Mariah? Starts crying and, at some point, hits that high note, stays there until mommy feeds her?

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