Monday, February 7, 2011

Katy Perry knows how to Purr-mote - Part One

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OK, you guys, the fragrance is standing in her hand. Focus. Can you see it? I know it's hard to focus, right?
Katy Perry was in Mexico City ,February 5, promoting her new fragrance- Purr - and showed some serious cleavage. The Kardashians are already taking their notes on how celebrities promote properly her fragrances. Katy was really excited about it:
I’m “absolutely thrilled to finally introduce me in a bottle. There is a wonderful world of fragrances out there, but like with my music, I believe there is room for me and my own unique twist on it. Purr is a natural extension of who I am as a woman – it’s a gorgeous blend of all my favorite scents that embodies my style, my tastes and my love for all things incredibly cute. It is an absolutely purrfect perfume that I hope leaves you meowing with delight!”

Meow!! I don't know Katie. Being Russel Brand one of your favorite things, let's hope it doesn't smell like pus*y...

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